The European Union of Jewish Students stands firmly alongside and congratulates the British Union of Jewish Students on its decision to share a platform with the Federation of Student Islamic Societies during last week’s National Union of Students Conference, raising the debate regarding to Hate Speech versus Free Speech on Campus.
The event was a unique opportunity by which the chair of UJS Adam Pike could publically challenge the FOSIS leadership over its constant invitation and hosting of hate speakers which have placed the welfare of Jewish Students on UK campuses directly at risk.
There can be no doubt that the welfare of all Jewish students has benefited from the decision to host such an event, and the challenge and complete undoing of any FOSIS defence of given hate speakers a platform, in the highest student decision making body (NUS), was unique, powerful and invaluable. This event was not an interfaith event but an opportunity for students to tackle issues head on was first and effective step in ensuring that an understanding is reached, through frank and open conversation, where Free speech ends and Hate Speech begins.
As such EUJS President Benjamin Zagzag commented that “UJS acted in the exact manner by which any organisation who is concerned with the welfare of its Jewish students should, and we at EUJS stand solidly with them”.