Motion 0322
General Assembly – August 26, 2022
Name of Union Submitting Policy:
Jüdische Studierendenunion Deutschland (JSUD)
Seconded by:
Juutalainen Opiskelijayhdistys (JOY)
Zsidó Fiatalok Magyarországi Egyesülete (HU)
Federacion de Jovenes Judios en España (FEJJE)
Isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic took away opportunities for all kinds of social gatherings. Consequently, Jewish student organisations struggle to involve new people who missed the entrance into young adult spaces e.g. due to online studies or limited community life in their new location. We, as an international Jewish community, need to support the causes of young leadership continuity, their sense of belonging and access to Jewish political education Europe-wide.
We note that:
- Certain Jewish Student Unions experience a lack in upcoming leadership that would be equipped with the needed skills to ensure the continuation of their democratic representation as well as sustaining regional Jewish activism.
- Unions with a limited number of people, means and support are in threat of a vicious cycle: not having enough people present during organised activities ultimately leads to a lack of events for the small number of people actually interested in the union’s program.
- EUJS programs don’t always reach their full participation capacity.
- EUJS has exceptionally accepted interested participants that were above 16 years old.
We believe that:
- The opportunity to be politically engaged is not prevalent enough in Jewish contexts, especially for minors and varies from country to country.
- A nearly seamless transition from Jewish youth movements to EUJS’ engagement opportunities will promote political activism, especially among the younger generation nationally as well as internationally.
- Underaged teenagers over 16 years have the right to speak on political matters and are more than capable of grasping the work done by EUJS and can help shape said work sustainably.
- Early-onset participation is efficient, as it brings forward young forces – at EUJS, in Jewish communities and Jewish Student Unions and encourages political participation of Jewish youths.
We resolve to:
- Encourage the promotion of EUJS’ activities at youth events and in Jewish Youth movements to achieve an increased visibility and to foster an interest in Jewish political activism.
- Call for an EUJS Youth Representative, chosen by the EUJS Board, who will be the designated contact person for advising youth individuals as well as youth organisations and who will proactively reach out to such entities to promote involvement at EUJS and its national Jewish Student Unions.
- Foster the interest of 16 year old and above youths in EUJS’ activities as the opportunity to facilitate a passage into EUJS as well as encouraging political engagement from a Jewish perspective.
- Youth involvement in EUJS’ events will be decided on a case-by-case basis and will require recommendation and written agreement from the legal guardians as well as from the eventual cooperating partners of the event.
- Such participation should not be at the expense of the main target audience of EUJS which is 18 to 30 year old students and young professionals.
- The underage participants will not be able to represent the national Jewish Student Union as voters.