This was our EU Activism Seminar 2018!

The EU Activism Seminar is one of EUJS’s flagship programs that brings together Jewish students for a chance to hear from world-renowned experts, learn from influential global activists and discuss with key decision-makers in the EU.

20 activists from all over Europe, the US and Israel were given the unique opportunity to experience the EU at first hand and to get acquainted with the workings of the European institutions. We met with MEPs, assistants, interns, consultants, diplomats, activists, fellow students, Jewish advocacy organizations and for the first time the participants were offered the unique chance to meet with two EU Commissioners.

In a time where we see worrying trends in the rise of racist, xenophobic and antisemitic attitudes – especially online – it was a privilege to grasp the Commission’s role in the prevention of far-right extremism in countries such as Hungary, Poland and Austria. Both Commissioner Věra Jourová – Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, and Commissioner Tibor Navracsics – Education, Culture, Youth and Sport – guided their interventions by bringing
to the table the role of Jewish students in shaping the EU agenda on Holocaust education, as well as in preventing antisemitism and bringing about inclusive societies.

This 5-day seminar was an important platform to tackle other important topics such as female empowerment in the current context; the adoption of the IHRA working definition of antisemitism; coalition-building in the field of Human Rights and Youth or countering the delegitimization and demonization of Israel from the EU perspective.

We strived to provide young activists with the tools to engage on a social and political level, the understanding that Europe is accessible to young people and the inspiration to work together for a better Europe.

Thank you European Jewish Congress and B’nai B’rith International for making this seminar possible. Thank you for your contribution in forming the next generation of European Jewish activists and your continuous friendship and support!