Summer University 2023

Summer U is the biggest annual event organised by the European Union of Jewish Students. At Summer U, young Jewish students and professionals from all over Europe and beyond, are brought together, and have been every year since 1983. This unique and incredible gathering of Jewish students in Europe provides the best that summer has to offer – networking with Jews of different backgrounds, workshops, panels, Shabbat celebration, sport and pool activities, while also celebrating our diverse Jewish identities.

Summer U is the only European platform where young Jewish leaders and activists gather and exchange during specific skill-building sessions, training, and debates. By focusing on covering a pluralistic, inclusive, and diverse range of topics from politics to Judaism, social media and current events, this event empowered participants to build more resilient communities back home in the face of rising antisemitism across Europe.

Summer University 2023 in Málaga, Spain, was attended by participants from 29 countries, ranging from Norway to Portugal to Czechia to North Macedonia to France to Türkiye. This year, EUJS celebrated the 40th year of Summer University with participants, making it the perfect opportunity to celebrate the diversity of Jewish Europe, reflecting on the past 40 years and sharing hopes for the next. We dedicated our Summer U Gala to this, awarding Unions on their achievements, hearing from notable speakers and alumni, and celebrating the incredible Jewish life that EUJS has fostered over the last 40 years.

Finally, we also held the General Assembly, where the Member Unions elected the 2023-2025 EUJS President, Board, and Treasurer.

L-R: Hanna Veiler, Joshua Bonfante, Rafael Ruah Arie, Ron Stern, Emma Hallali (EUJS President), Victoria Borochov, Caterina Cognini (Treasurer), Máté Zsédely-Holler, and Judith Offenberg.

Below, you can find the Summer U 2023 report.

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