In preparation for Summer University, the European Union of Jewish Students held a programme for the volunteers, or Makers, of Summer U 2023, in Málaga, Spain. The goal of the weekend was for Makers to build the Summer U programme, learning important skills, engaging with EUJS and our network, and undergo sensitivity awareness training so as to equip them to deal with any situation that could arise at Summer U.
During this weekend, Makers were also divided into subgroups, which included Jewish Education, Local Team, General Logistics, Union and Capacity Building, and Political Engagement from a European Perspective, all focusing on the creation and maintenance of a positive Jewish identity. These sub-groups fit into three overarching areas, namely logistics, including kashrut, day trips, and transport; social media and PR, including social media, marketing, and graphic design; and programming, which includes designing programming tracks, partnership managements, and speaker outreach.