The European Union of Jewish Students held a Summer University Follow-Up Shabbaton in Prague, Czech Republic, in November 2023. The seminar aimed to set the tone for the year ahead with the European Union of Jewish Students and to bring together the newly elected EUJS Board and EUJS Office, as well as the Czech Union of Jewish Students (ČUŽM) and the Summer University 2023 Makers team.
Given the current climate, the seminar aimed to bring together the group for a safe space to share, overcome their challenges, and provide an opportunity for collaboration. Sessions were run by the EUJS team and Junction JDC, including topics relating to ‘Leadership and Judaism’, Mental Health, and Diversity Equality and Inclusion.
We also held a November Pogrom commemoration in the streets of Prague. You can watch this here.
We thank Junction JDC, the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic, the Prague Jewish Community, and ČUŽM, for their support.