Find out here the awarded projects of the Next Step Grant, sponsored by Nevatim.

Serbia – Jewish Youth Club Belgrade
Project: ShabBalkanton: Uniting Young Adults, Cultivating Balkan Jewish Identity
The ShabBalkanton event is a unique opportunity to unite young adults from various Balkan countries, allowing them to explore and embrace their shared Jewish heritage. The event will take place in the beautiful city of Ohrid, which holds significance for a smaller Jewish community in the region that will be highlighted.
The United Kingdom – Union of Jewish Students
Project: UJS Chazon
One of UJS’ four core values is peer leadership, we believe that the student leaders of today are the community leaders of tomorrow. University is a time where students can discover their voice, grow as people, and come together to form communities. Jewish societies in the UK are a shining examples of peer leadership-elected committees develop projects and events that bring together groups of Jewish students across the country.
The UJS Chazon will serve as a guiding tool for all JSocs as they begin their new year on campus. To bring these objectives about, we hope to take thirty JSoc presidents to Northern Ireland for three nights, from 7th-10th September 2023.
This trip will look at conflict resolution through the lens of the peace process which ended the Troubles in Northern Ireland. The trip will therefore meet with key figures in this peace process and will explore key sites in both Ireland and Northern Ireland. Now more than ever, it can be difficult to discuss Israel on campus in a productive manner. Discourse on campus can be polarized and can be intimidating to navigate. By equipping key student leaders with the skills necessary to engage in difficult conversations, they will be able to play an important role in this debate. As leaders of their JSocs, these students will be able to guide and support their peers, sharing the knowledge they have gained. Antisemitism on campus can often be caused by unproductive debates about Israel, and as such it is essential that Jewish students are confident to deal with issues as they arise, since these conversations are often rooted in misinformation.
This seminar will also develop the leadership skills necessary for JSoc presidents to lead their Jewish societies in the coming year, by teaching them what UJS can offer them and how they can use this to their advantage throughout the year. Furthermore, the seminar will include sessions that guide them on how to successfully organise events and deal with the day-to-day issues that arise when running a committee. Developing these skills is essential because only once this has happened can they devote more time to the intricacies of the role, and how they can grow their JSoc further. It is of the utmost importance that all Jewish societies continue to flourish and bring in new people, to ensure the longevity of all Jewish life on campus, and providing leaders for the Jewish community as a whole.