There are only few days that we look forward to more than Channukah! It is the eights days when we try seeing the light in the darkness and the eight days that always include sufganiot eating, sevivon spinning and family and friends gatherings.
On December 13th, EUJS, in partnership with JAFI – the Jewish Agency for Israel and UJS – the Union of Jewish Students of UK and Ireland, brought the Channukah light all across Europe! In a memorable virtual screening, students from all across the continent, as well as Israel and South Africa tuned in to light the second Channukah candle, together with their peers. Member unions and other curious participants joined from all corners to share their local Channukah event with everyone else.
In our hometown of Brussels, the EUJS team met UEJB – the Belgian Union of Jewish Students and celebrated, together, with an influx of sufganiot and latkes, all captured by the live stream.
Thank you, UEJB, for hosting us and UJS and the JAFI, for joining forces and for making this a reality!