EUJS goes Mitzvah Day mad!

This year’s Mitzvah Day was bigger and better than ever with some of our own Board members partaking in amazing events that have truly made a difference to local communities. Here are some highlights…

In Lithuania, EUJS Board member Amit Belaitė along with the Jewish “Litvak” community and the Lithuanian Union of Jewish Students went on a Mitzvah rampage, holding 3 incredible Mitzvah Day events! A small clothes donation for the needy was held at the local social centre before hosting a delicious cooking class where more than 30 young people made ashkenazi-litvak style kugel muffins. Finally, in a weekly lectorium, Amit gave a meaningful speech about the life of young Jewish people in Europe and Lithuania and of course, EUJS!

In Budapest, EUJS President Benny Fischer and EUJS Board member Hester van Trommel spent the day taking part in the ‘Generation Next’ programme where they were able to arrange a small item donation for the needy of the community in Budapest.

In Vienna, the Austrian Union of Jewish Students along with EUJS Board member Ofer Rosenblat participated in Mitzvah Day by visiting sick children at the local Children’s Hospital in Vienna. They did a great deal to raise moral and be positive influences!

In the Netherlands, EUJS Board member Hester van Trommel organised a delicious dinner for elderly people living alone in the local area. The dinner was attended by both Jews and non-Jews. During the evening, Hester spoke on the important work of EUJS, Mitzvah Day and the concept of giving charity in Judaism.

In Italy, members of the Italian Union of Jewish Students, headed by President Talia Bidussa, contributed to the local community in Milan by helping lead Sunday activities at the elderly home.

And in the UK, EUJS Board member Noam Yossef arranged a visit to members of the community in Sheffield, kepping them company and remembering old times.