RESOLUTION – Mental Health Awareness

General Assembly – August 18, 2021 / Amended August 16, 2023

The European Union of Jewish Students believes:

  1. Mental health issues still carry a lot of stigma with them, an issue also prevalent in Jewish communities. Support for students, including Jewish students, around mental health, can be very poor.
  2. The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in an increasing sense of detachment, isolation and hardship for many students and young people – highlighting the need for increased recognition of mental health and more practical support.
  3. As part of EUJS’ activism mission, the organisation has a duty of care towards its members and recognises that with the level of engagement that many leaders provide in multiple spheres, comes a decrease in mental health and increased advocacy fatigue and activist burnout.

The European Union of Jewish Students resolves:

  1. Run at least one campaign/project around mental health per year, potentially with a focus on particular issues, such as mental health issues in minority groups or men’s mental health.
  2. Encourage Unions to organise peer-led activities surrounding mental health.
  3. Help Unions produce resources for their students on how to access helpful resources and/or professional help.
  4. Twice a year hold a forum where EUJS members and leaders can learn and discuss issues related to activist burnout, such as sharing spaces and/or skills workshops by professionals.


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