RESOLUTION – EUJS Union Outreach Officer

EUJS notes that: 

1. National Unions require the support of EUJS; 

2. Networking is fundamental to foster Jewish life; 

3. Advocacy and diplomatic development opportunities are essential in the fight against  antisemitism.  

EUJS believes that: 

1. Supporting National Unions lies at the heart of everything that EUJS does; 

2. Many Unions would profit from EUJS providing help with campaigns and events; 

3. Fundraising is one of the biggest challenges Unions face. EUJS should support national  Unions in finding and applying to various grants available to Jewish students 

EUJS resolves to: 

1. To establish a Union Outreach portfolio within the structure of EUJS, which would entail one  of the following (presented in order of preference): 

a) The office position of “Union Outreach Officer”; 

b) An advisory position within the elected board of Vice-Presidents; 

c) Someone with relevant and appropriate experience in this field that would be voted on by  the EUJS member unions; 

The contact person, with the characteristics as previously mentioned, will be divulged and  made clear to the member unions. 

2. The responsibilities of this person include but are not limited to: 

  • To meet with each active member union at least once every calendar year; 
  • To ensure that EUJS is represented, in some capacity, at international events organised by  member unions

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