Motion 0720
General Assembly – December 27, 2020
Name of Union / Individual Submitting Policy:
Ruben Gerczikow, Vice-President European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS)
EUJS believes:
- That (neo-) fascist and anti-democratic ideologies are on the rise again in Europe.
- That both, right-wing extremism and Islamism, are inhumane and fascist ideologies and which are sharing similar enemy images like antisemitism or misogyny, and seeing themselves in a “clash of cultures”.
- That in the past years supporters of both ideologies have carried out several bloody terror attacks in Europe like the Halle synagogue attack in 2019, the shootings in Hanau 2020, the Charlie Hebdo shooting in 2015, the 2016 Brussel bombings, or the 2020 Vienna attack.
- That those terror attacks are an attempt to strengthen a “clash of cultures” and to divide our liberal societies.
- Because of our Jewish history, values, and the lessons of the Shoah, Anti-Fascism is a necessity.
EUJS resolves:
- To recognize that Anti-Fascism means confronting any reactionary ideology and promoting a liberated and emancipatory society.
- To campaign for governments, universities, Student Unions and other relevant institutions against any form of right-wing extremism and Islamism.
- To develop countermeasures against both Islamism/ Jihadism and right-wing extremism.
- To show concrete solidarity with those who are affected by Islamism/ Jihadism and right-wing extremism.